Welcome to Emma and Ebony, formally The NEW Tales from Wollemi Heights By Dawn Hamilton.
If you have any questions, comments or such about the comic then feel free to E-mail me with them.






New Readers should begin here.

MAY Jan 2011
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Please scroll down to read
the news, added 10/01/10.


First comic
  Previous comic  


News: 02/02/10.    

As you can see we are back for another season. I have taken into account my arm so I want to let you all know in advance that from time to time there may be a small gap (nothing as big as six months without warning) in the production of the comic.

Also as you can see I have created a new news system, where old news is now filed away with only the newest news being active.

Thirdly, a slight warning about the story line that is due to start tomorrow (03/02/10) due to the fairly short nature of the story I have decided to use an older format, one that some people complained made no sense. So please be warned that the next part (The bathtub of blood.) uses an older comic panel format that some people complained made no sense.

Happy Birthday, I guess. I just realized that the 31st of the 1st marked three years since the comic stated on this sever and around one and a half years since the reset of the comic.

Remember any questions or such, you can E-mail them to me or use the tag board.

- Dawn.

News 10/01/10.     

For the last few months most of you who have visited this site would have noticed the comic has been replaced with a single poorly drawn of Emma and Ebony and a kangaroo that had the caption We’re going on the Wallaby.

Firstly there has been an E-mail sent to me asking me firstly what going on the Wallaby means and secondly what it means in connection with my comic. Well to make it easy going on the Wallaby is Australian slang for travelling around the country or being on the move. When I posted this image I had planned to move this comic to a new sever, mostly because of problems I’ve been having getting to this one and because I’m not even sure my comic in it’s current form is a comic.

I know all this is boring and meaningless to most of you but soon after I posted the on the Wallaby image something happened to my shoulder that sent me back to my doctor to get it checked up on again. Long story short, an ultrasound and X-ray later, I was informed that the condition of my shoulder was deteriorating fast. I was also told that I needed to rest it for a while, which is why there has been no contact from me in a long while.

Of course this brings us to now, over the time I’ve been away I’ve gotten a few E-mails about my comic (or what ever it is.) and it’s status. (Sorry to those people I never got to respond to.)

I’ve decided that at least for now I’ll restore the archive to the way it was so at least people can look at that. As for new comics (or what ever they are) a great deal of if I do more relies on you. Let me explain that, from now until the 31st of January 2010 I’m giving you (the reader) and option to choose the future or non-future of this comic.

Just one simple question, Do you want to see new comics?

(Just post your answer in the tag board. If nobody comments I’ll just take it as a vote that nobody is interested and thus the end of 28 days will become the end of the comic.

Thank you for your time.


Hello, welcome to the new layout.

On top of the new layout you might have also noticed we are now operating under the name: Emma and Ebony (Practitioners of the arcane arts focusing on unblemished nature.) instead of the NEW tales from Wollemi Heights. However don't worry except for the change in name and change of character name we are basically the same comic.

If you don't want your comic listed here please tell me and I'll remove the link.

The NEW Tales from Wollemi Heights copyright 2007 Dawn Hamilton.
The NEW Tales from Wollemi Heights is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.